0291 52171

Sexualized violence

Sexual violence can take many forms, such as: unwanted sexual touching, sexual harassment at work or in private, sexual harassment on the internet, insults, intrusive “come-ons” or threats, rape or sexual abuse in childhood.

Sexual violence is mostly directed against women and girls, but boys and men can also be affected. Any woman can become a victim of sexualized violence – regardless of her age, appearance or origin. The Women’s Counselling Center Meschede offers counseling and support for women who have experienced sexualised violence.

Counselling is confidential and anonymous upon request.

We support you if you have experienced sexualised violence. It does not matter how long ago the experience of violence took place. The specific content of the consulting sessions depends entirely on your individual needs.

We offer you
  • Personal talks and advice
  • Information about the legal options
  • Support in coping with the experience of violence
  • Advice for relatives
  • professional counselling sessions
  • Support with everyday problems
  • Advice and information on the sexual abuse fund
  • Help with the application to the sexual abuse fund
Just give us a call:
0291 52171

Mondays & Wednesdays 10.00 – 12.00 hrs
Thursdays 2.30 – 4.30 pm

Acute dangerous situation

In acute dangerous situations, you can call the police on the emergency number 110.

Medical emergency aid after sexualized violence

After experiencing sexual violence, we recommend seeking medical care as soon as possible. This is available at the hospitals listed below. In addition to immediate medical assistance, there is also the possibility of anonymous evidence recovery for victims after sexualized violence. The traces are documented and secured in such a way that they are legally valid for later criminal proceedings.

For Emergency Medical Assistance and Anonymous Forensics in HSK, contact the gynecology outpatient clinic at either hospital:

  • Karolinen-Hospital Hüsten, Tel.: 02932 9520
  • Municipal Hospital Maria-Hilf Brilon, Tel.: 02961 7800